Explore the most comprehensive and up-to-date Postcode Lottery statistics. Discover hidden patterns and trends through our tables and charts, analysing the following key parameters with regards to the Winning Postcodes:
Appearance frequency.
Most and least frequent postcodes.
Most and least overdue postcodes.
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Last 5000 postcodes
Last 2500 postcodes
Last 1000 postcodes
Last 500 postcodes
Last 100 postcodes
Last 50 postcodes
📊 Last 5000 postcodes Number of times drawn - Winning postcodes
Winning postcodes - Statistics
Most picked Least picked Most overdue Least overdue Postcode Frecuency Postcode Frecuency Postcode Draws Postcode Draws B 116 BT 0 BT 5000 PO 0 RG 106 WC 0 WC 5000 BB 1 S 105 KW 1 EC 4382 CW 2 PO 100 EC 2 KW 3280 DG 3 NE 98 HS 2 LD 2441 G 4 CF 90 ZE 2 ZE 1528 GL 5 G 89 LD 4 TF 1260 HA 6 NG 86 BR 7 SR 849 HS 7 M 83 HX 12 PH 730 IP 8 PE 81 HG 13 HP 699 IV 10
📊 Last 2500 postcodes Number of times drawn - Winning postcodes
Winning postcodes - Statistics
Most picked Least picked Most overdue Least overdue Postcode Frecuency Postcode Frecuency Postcode Draws Postcode Draws B 51 BT 0 BT 2000 PO 0 S 45 EC 0 EC 2000 BB 1 PO 42 HS 0 KW 2000 CW 2 CF 37 KW 0 LD 2000 DG 3 NG 37 LD 0 WC 2000 G 4 DN 36 WC 0 ZE 1528 GL 5 EX 36 ZE 1 TF 1260 HA 6 NE 36 BR 3 SR 849 HS 7 PE 35 HX 3 PH 730 IP 8 SA 35 SM 4 HP 699 IV 10
📊 Last 1000 postcodes Number of times drawn - Winning postcodes
Winning postcodes - Statistics
Most picked Least picked Most overdue Least overdue Postcode Frecuency Postcode Frecuency Postcode Draws Postcode Draws S 28 BT 0 BT 1000 PO 0 B 23 EC 0 EC 1000 BB 1 LS 20 HS 0 KW 1000 CW 2 EX 18 KW 0 LD 1000 DG 3 PO 18 LD 0 TF 1000 G 4 SA 18 TF 0 WC 1000 GL 5 NG 17 WC 0 ZE 1000 HA 6 PE 17 ZE 0 SR 849 HS 7 TN 17 EN 1 PH 730 IP 8 DN 16 SR 1 HP 699 IV 10
📊 Last 500 postcodes Number of times drawn - Winning postcodes
Winning postcodes - Statistics
Most picked Least picked Most overdue Least overdue Postcode Frecuency Postcode Frecuency Postcode Draws Postcode Draws S 16 BR 0 BR 500 PO 0 B 15 BT 0 BT 500 BB 1 PE 13 EC 0 EC 500 CW 2 LS 11 HP 0 HP 500 DG 3 CF 10 HS 0 KW 500 G 4 EH 10 KW 0 LA 500 GL 5 M 10 LD 0 LD 500 HA 6 NG 10 LU 0 LU 500 HS 7 TN 9 PH 0 PH 500 IP 8 DN 8 SR 0 SR 500 IV 10
📊 Last 100 postcodes Number of times drawn - Winning postcodes
Winning postcodes - Statistics
Most picked Least picked Most overdue Least overdue Postcode Frecuency Postcode Frecuency Postcode Draws Postcode Draws LS 4 BA 0 BA 100 PO 0 BN 3 BB 0 BL 100 BB 1 BS 3 BR 0 BR 100 CW 2 CF 3 BT 0 BT 100 DG 3 KY 3 CM 0 CM 100 G 4 LE 3 CO 0 CO 100 GL 5 S 3 CR 0 CR 100 HA 6 SK 3 CT 0 CT 100 HS 7 TN 3 DD 0 DD 100 IP 8 CB 2 DG 0 DT 100 IV 10
📊 Last 50 postcodes Number of times drawn - Winning postcodes
Winning postcodes - Statistics
Most picked Least picked Most overdue Least overdue Postcode Frecuency Postcode Frecuency Postcode Draws Postcode Draws BN 3 AB 0 AB 50 PO 0 S 3 AL 0 AL 50 BB 1 EX 2 B 0 B 50 CW 2 KA 2 BA 0 BA 50 DG 3 TN 2 BB 0 BD 50 G 4 CA 1 BD 0 BH 50 GL 5 CF 1 BH 0 BL 50 HA 6 CV 1 BL 0 BR 50 HS 7 DA 1 BR 0 BS 50 IP 8 DN 1 BS 0 BT 50 IV 10