What are the WINometers 🎯?

The WINometers are indicators that present the likelihood of winning using Lotto Crack Predictions for the upcoming draw. With separate indicators for EuroMillions, Lotto, Set for Life and Thunderball, you’ll always know exactly when to play.

The WINometers take into account a wide range of factors, including past performance and calculated winning odds for the next draw. We understand that the odds of winning can vary from one draw to the next, which is why the WINometers are such an invaluable tool. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a first-time player, our WINometers can help you decide when to play and when to save your chances for another day.

The WINometers may display one of the four possible scenarios below.

winometer very high chanceVERY HIGH: The chances of winning are very strong in the upcoming draw.

winometer high chance HIGH: The likelihood of winning is significant in the upcoming draw.

winometer medium chanceMEDIUM: The chances of winning are comparable to relying on “lucky dips”.

winometers low chance LOW: The chances of winning are slim – Consider trying your luck another time!